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Free Online Hearing Test

What is Tinnitus?

The term “tinnitus” refers to a physical condition constituting a perceived audible sound (commonly described as “ringing”) , that occurs in absence of any actual sound being present. There are a variety of potential noises that may be observed by the sufferer: from whistling to roaring, hissing, chirping or clicking - either in a sole tone or numerous. The volume in which the sound may be heard varies in spectrum, from very minimal/low to severely loud or unpleasant.

Symptoms that may consequently occur

Tinnitus sufferers may endure a variety of unpleasant/uncomfortable symptoms, such as: 

Intense distress/discomfort 
Feelings of frustration/annoyance, or being irritable or tense. 
Episodes of depression 
Recurring anxiety attacks or mood swings 
Inadequate ability to focus/concentrate
Insomnia/difficulty sleeping

If you identify any of these symptoms occurring in you, it is recommended to book an appointment with a hearing specialist (audiologist). Having a test conducted is important, as they may signify potential hearing loss formulating.

How Highly Prevalent Is It?

Tinnitus occurs in around 17-30% of Australians to some extent (between mild to intense) according to research. 

15% experience consistent annoyance, with 1% stating symptoms were drastic, with a significant impact on quality of life.

Our Professionals

Moh is a well-known and trusted Audiologist who has improved people’s quality of life over the last three decades.

Dr. Moh Dadafarin

Director - Principal Audiologist

Nazila’s friendly and personable nature makes her popular with both clients and staff.

Nazila Mosheri

Director - Hearing Clinician

Hami has a Master of Clinical Audiology degree from the University of Melbourne.

Hami Resalat

Clinical Audiologist
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